About Me

Hi everyone!  Here's a little about my background and interests:

I'm a long time Northern CA resident - grew up in Sacramento, and went to dental school (University of the Pacific) in San Francisco.  Other places I've lived:
  • Provo, UT  - Brigham Young for undergraduate degree (BS Mechanical Engineering)
  • France and Belgium - 2-year mission for the LDS church.  I can't wait to go back and visit again, it's a beautiful country and the food is all delicious. 
  • Fort Benning, GA. - My first duty station as an Army dentist, where I did a one year advanced general residency.  Big time culture shock moving from San Francisco, but had a great time and learned so much from some amazing specialists.  Also, I got to jump out of perfectly good airplanes at Airborne school.  All the Way!
  • Oahu, Hawaii - My second assignment in the Army.  Our family loved living in Hawaii so much and sort of wish we could live there for good.  
  • Iraq - I was deployed from Hawaii to Kirkuk, Iraq for 15 months.  I was in charge of about 5,000 troops and civilians there.  Difficult personally to be gone from family for so long, but was amazing for me professionally.  I got so much experience in treating a spectrum of dental/oral problems, it was a great boost of confidence early in my career.  
I became interested in dentistry (and lured from engineering) by the opportunity to make a personal difference in people's life and to be my own boss.  However, with each passing year I realize more and more what a perfect career dentistry is for me.  I enjoy meeting new people and fostering long term relationships.  I also love working with my hands and finding innovative ways to solve each patient's unique challenges. I don't always enjoy all the paperwork that goes with owning your own business. 

Beyond the business of teeth, I am married with two children (5 years and almost 2).  I love spending time as a family reading, cooking, playing outside, and working in the yard.

My personal interests are old cars (or "crap cars" as my wife insists), computers and technology, skiing, and building and riding bicycles.  I aspire to convert a regular car to a battery powered electric version, but this aspiration will most likely end up like many of my other well researched ideas that never make it to fruition.  The next item on my personal wishlist is a MIG welder.  (go kart project!)